Decentralized Forex

Crypto Exchangers
2 min readJan 24, 2023

Financial markets, such as crypto forex and stocks, have always been correlated and affect one another, yet they have previously failed to unite on one platform that is available to all. With centralization ruling the stock and forex market, not everyone was able to join the ranks of traders within these markets due to several reasons such as:

  • Age restrictions (You need to be above the age of 18 to open a forex and stock account in a brokerage)
  • Monetary restrictions (You need to have a minimum of 100$ to open a forex trading account)
  • Centralization (Some governments have banned the use of trading apps such as MT4 and MT5)

This is where Gtrade comes in! Gtrade is a platform that allows individuals to trade currency pairs, commodities, and stock indices using DAI. DAI or previously known as SAI is a stablecoin on the Ethereum blockchain whose value is kept as close to one United States dollar (USD) as possible.

You can purchase DAI in these following manners:

  1. You can visit our office in Zouk Mosbeh to purchase Dai and start benefiting from the forex world in a decentralized manner.
  2. a. Purchase USDT

b. Buy MATIC

c. Transfer them to your metamask wallet

d. Connect your MetaMask to Uniswap

e. Swap Matic for DAI

Pairing other financial markets with the decentralized aspect of cryptocurrency has eradicated the previously mentioned restrictions and added several benefits.

  • Brokers are no longer needed to open an account
  • Lower spreads
  • Higher liquidity in the market in deposits and withdrawals

Through Gtrade you can now trade among stocks, indices, crypto pairs, and commodities. What are you waiting for, join Gtrade Today!

For our Youtube tutorial, watch this video:



Crypto Exchangers

We are a trusted & foolproof gateway for accessing the vast crypto world. We stand for freedom, equal rights & decentralization.